Archivo etiqueta sphero

Sphero for .Net

Hi everybody,

If you want to use Sphero for a .Net project now you can use this library Matias wrote: Sphero4Net.

It lets you use Sphero as a sensor, move it around, and change its color. It also includes a simple UI to help you test it.

Have fun!

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Playing & programming Sphero

Hi everybody! Hope you are well 🙂 The goal of this post is to tell you that we’ve been playing with the Orbotix’s ball called Sphero and we’ve spent a good time. So we’ve decided to add it to Physical Etoys. We can change its colors, stabilize it, read its sensors and make scripts to move it. We’ve uploaded a short but cool video because we do not have much time to film.

You can download the Sphero .pem to play with Physical Etoys here.

Hope you like it. Have fun!

¡Hola a todos! Espero que anden bien 🙂 Este post es para decirles que estuvimos jugando con la pelota Sphero de Orbotix y realmente nos gustó. Entonces decidimos agregarla a Physical Etoys. Podemos cambiarle su color, estabilizarla, leer sus sensores y realizar guiones para que se mueva. Les dejamos un video corto pero copado ya que no tenemos mucho tiempo para filmar. Esperamos que les guste. Que se diviertan!

Pueden bajar el .pem de Sphero para jugar con Physical Etoys aquí.

Esperamos que les guste. Que se diviertan!

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