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Escrito por Richi

Arduino firmware troubleshooting

sábado, 6/Ago/2016

Conway’s Game of Life

jueves, 22/Ene/2015

Drawing Bézier curves with Etoys

lunes, 6/Oct/2014

Physical Etoys tips – Time handling (part 1)

lunes, 11/Ago/2014

Physical Etoys 2.1.2

viernes, 13/Jun/2014

Physical Etoys and Kinect

jueves, 11/Abr/2013

Physical Etoys 2.1 released!

viernes, 5/Abr/2013

Physical Etoys on Raspberry Pi

miércoles, 27/Mar/2013

Physical Etoys now translated to Portuguese :)

miércoles, 14/Nov/2012

Sphero for .Net

miércoles, 8/Ago/2012